Supporting national biodiversity commitments and the science-policy interface


Through partnerships and coordination, nodes can enable data flows into indicators and reporting processes relating to biodiversity status and trends, supporting commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Sustainable Development Goals. By building linkages with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), nodes can support biodiversity assessments by providing access to biodiversity data and enabling policy-related research based on GBIF-mediated data. These linkages can also support the nodes in terms of raising awareness of the value of open biodiversity data to national policy and commitments, as well as identifying policy-relevant gaps in data availability. (See Nodes Strategy #2 for more detail.)

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to perform the following:

  • Describe the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and associates reporting processes.

  • Describe the different components of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) including associated targets and monitoring framework.

  • Identify dataflows and actions at a national level to support national biodiversity reporting to the CBD.

  • Identify CBD contacts and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) within your country.

  • Develop a strategy on how your node can directly contribute to national efforts to fulfill the commitments within the Kunming-Montreal GBF.


The following trainers have developed the content for this topic:

Michelle Judge, Node Manager, Ireland

Melisa Ojeda, Node Manager, Guatemala

Secretariat consultants: Tim Hirsch, Deputy Director, and Andrew Rodrigues, Data Partnerships Officer

biodiversity commitments team


Complete the following activities to prepare for the onsite sessions:

=== Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Watch introduction video on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (YouTube - 1:14 min)


Watch video on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and Targets (YouTube - 8:35 min; Spanish)


Read Sustaining life on Earth (PDF 500 KB)

Investigate the CBD in your country (Download worksheet)

  1. Does your country have a current National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)?

  2. Is your country updating its NBSAP?

  3. If so, what is the state of the process? Who is coordinating it?

  4. Are you engaged in the process - if so, how? If not, how could you be involved?

=== Global Biodiversity Framework Kunming-Montreal

Read the overview* (webpage)

Module 1

Introduction to CBD

This presentation provides an introduction to the CBD.




This presentation provides an introduction to GBIF and the CBD.



Node engagement with CBD - Ireland

This presentation focuses on how a node can engage nationally with the CBD.



National examples

During this section you will review several Nodes examples where the connection between the CBD and GBIF is working.



Poll results



NodeStaff CBD





Module 2

Supporting national reporting requirements

For this activity, you will identify actions that you can take as a node to help support national reporting requirements to the Convention on Biological Diversity.



Action plan

Use this action plan to develop your strategy on how your node can directly contribute to national efforts to fulfill the commitments within the Kunming-Montreal GBF and engage with the CBD in your country. Share with your Node buddies for feedback.