Exercise 5

In this exercise you will perform interative steps using rgbif to download, visualize and clean GBIF-mediated data.

Exercise sheet

Download Exercise 5 (MS Word 158 KB)


  1. Download and install R and R Studio desktop if you have not already.

  2. Save the R Markdown file to your computer: Lemur_catta_project.Rmd.

    1. Click the link.

    2. Right-click within the page and select “Save As”.

    3. Name the file as Lemur_catta_project.Rmd (do not include the additional .txt in the file name if the browser tries to include it.).

    4. Click Save.

  3. Ensure you have the necessary packages installed.

  4. Read through and perform the steps in the Lemur catta tutorial.

    1. Prepare the variables

    2. Download the data

    3. Visualize the data

    4. Clean the data


Adapt the tutorial by using a different species in a different part of the world.